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Marketing Cloud Developer


Marketing Cloud Developer


Candidates should have hands-on experience as a full-stack developer for Marketing Cloud creating personalized, dynamic messages, landing pages, Marketing Cloud scripting languages, and is experienced with data configuration, manipulations and advance segmentation, as well as reporting and analytics.
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About the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Credential

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer program is designed for developers who have hands-on experience developing for Marketing Cloud. The audience has proven experience with the administration and configuration of the Marketing Cloud Email application, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam. This credential is targeted toward the Marketing Cloud Developer who has experience developing dynamic, personalized marketing assets such as emails, landing pages, and forms leveraging HTML, CSS, and AMPscript. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer is also proficient in SQL and has experience in using Marketing Cloud APIs.

Audience Description: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer has experience configuring and customizing data for the Marketing Cloud. The developer is knowledgeable in subscriber management across channels and has the ability to troubleshoot various programmatic languages that guide the design of both tactical and strategic email campaigns. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer has experience as a full-stack developer for Marketing Cloud creating personalized, dynamic messages, landing pages, making use of Marketing Cloud scripting languages, and is experienced with data configuration, manipulations, and advance segmentation, as well as reporting and analytics.
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer generally has at least a year of experience developing for Marketing Cloud and associated tools.
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer candidate has the experience, skills, knowledge, and ability to:
Configure and set up data models (data extensions, shared data extensions, Contact model).
Configure data import.
Work with customers and platform data (SQL, views, Send Log).
Write basic SQL, including join statements.
Create dynamic, personalized marketing assets using various scripting languages.
Build Marketing Cloud web experience (data forms, custom preference pages).
Explain subscription management.
Work through and resolve scenarios using REST and SOAP API.
Invest time in studying the resources listed in this Exam Guide and the additional required study materials provided by Salesforce.
A candidate for this exam is not expected to know MobilePush SDK, Journey Builder SDK, custom components, and how to configure Marketing Cloud Connect.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

This exam guide is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer exam. This guide provides information about the target audience for the certification exam, recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectives—all with the intent of helping you achieve a passing score. Salesforce highly recommends a combination of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study to maximize your chances of passing the exam.

About the Exam

Read on for details about the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer exam.
Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions, up to 5 unscored questions
Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes
Passing score: 63%
Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.
References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Prerequisite: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist credential
*Please note that as of November 16, 2017, some Salesforce certification exams may contain up to five additional, randomly placed, unscored questions to gather data on question performance. The duration of each exam has been evaluated and adjusted to accommodate the inclusion of the unscored questions. These five questions will be in addition to the 60 scored questions on your exam and will have no impact whatsoever on your score.

Recommended Training and References

As preparation for this exam, we recommend a combination of hands-on experience, training course completion, Trailhead trails, and self-study in the areas listed in the Exam Outline section of this exam guide.
The self-study materials recommended for this exam include:
Trail: Develop for Marketing Cloud
Marketing Cloud Developer Center
To continue developing your Salesforce skillset, visit Trailhead Academy to enroll in expert-led courses.
To review online Documentation, Tip Sheets, and User Guides, search for the topics listed in the Exam Outline section of this guide and study the information related to those topics. Documentation, Tip Sheets, and User Guides can also be accessed through Salesforce Help.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience developing for Marketing Cloud and associated tools and demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.
Data Modeling: 14%

  • Configure account Contact model in Marketing Cloud.
  • Given a scenario, differentiate the various types and uses of data extensions in Marketing Cloud.
  • Describe how Contact Records relate across channels.
  • Explain the Contact Delete process.

Programmatic Languages: 35%

  • Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of AMPscript and SSJS language syntax and functions.
  • Implement standard development best practices using Marketing Cloud programming languages.
  • Describe how Marketing Cloud handles AMPscript processing.
  • Given a customer scenario, determine how to programmatically exclude a subscriber at email send time.

API: 22%

  • Given a scenario, describe API objects, methods, and routes.
  • Describe the OAuth authentication flow and how an access token is used in SOAP and REST headers.
  • Given a scenario, evaluate the significance of response handling.

Data Management: 22%

  • Configure import activity using various file formats within Marketing Cloud.
  • Given a scenario, apply SQL to produce the desired results.
  • Given a scenario, explain the different ways to extract data from Marketing Cloud.
  • Describe SQL best practices for managing data in Marketing Cloud.
  • Given a scenario, apply best practices for send logs.
  • Given a scenario, describe how data is affected by the Contact delete process.

Security: 7%

  • Identify different options to secure data in Marketing Cloud.
  • Describe security best practices in Marketing Cloud.

Resources in Trailhead module

Developer Documentation: AMPScript 101
Developer Documentation: AMPscript 201
Developer Documentation: AMPscript 301
Developer Documentation: AMPscript 401
Developer Documentation: Get Started with AMPscript
Developer Documentation: Personalization Strings and AMPscript
External Link: Blocktester Heroku App
External Link: GitHub Repository - Salesforce Marketing Cloud Platform
External Link: Install the Content Builder Editor SDK (GitHub Repo)
External Link: Salesforce StackExchange
External Link: Salesforce StackExchange AMPscript Articles
External Link: Salesforce StackExchange GTL Articles
External Link: Salesforce StackExchange SSJS Articles
External Link: The Content Block SDK and the Marketing Cloud SDK Playground
External Site: AMPscript Guide: Using Variables
External: GitHub Developerforce Repo, TH CloudPages Pref Center
External: The AMPscript Guide, CloudPagesURL
External: Web Content Accessibility Guide
Salesforce Developer: Access Token for Server-to-Server Integrations
Salesforce Developer: AMPscript Documentation
Salesforce Developer: AMPscript Functions
Salesforce Developer: AMPscript Syntax Guide
Salesforce Developer: API Integration Security
Salesforce Developer: CloudPagesURL
Salesforce Developer: Content Builder API
Salesforce Developer: Create a Custom Profile Center with AMPscript
Salesforce Developer: Create an OAuth 2.0 API Integration in Enhanced Packages
Salesforce Developer: Custom Block Widget Best Practices
Salesforce Developer: Custom Block Widget Example
Salesforce Developer: Extend Content Builder
Salesforce Developer: Get Started with the SOAP API
Salesforce Developer: Get Started, Marketing Cloud Developers
Salesforce Developer: GroupConnect Chat Messaging API
Salesforce Developer: GTL Syntax Guide
Salesforce Developer: GTL Usage with AMPscript and SSJS
Salesforce Developer: GTL Workbook
Salesforce Developer: Guide Template Language
Salesforce Developer: Guide Template Language Documentation
Salesforce Developer: Handle Errors in REST API
Salesforce Developer: Installed Package Definitions
Salesforce Developer: Interact with Automation Studio
Salesforce Developer: Intro to Marketing Cloud APIs
Salesforce Developer: Introduction to Marketing Cloud Platform SDKs
Salesforce Developer: Introduction to Programmatic Marketing Content
Salesforce Developer: Introduction to SDKs
Salesforce Developer: Journey Builder API
Salesforce Developer: List Your App in AppExchange
Salesforce Developer: LogUnsubEvent
Salesforce Developer: LogUnsubEvent
Salesforce Developer: Marketing Cloud Developer Center
Salesforce Developer: Marketing Cloud REST API - Create Contacts
Salesforce Developer: MobileConnect API
Salesforce Developer: Optimize API Calls and Data Structures to Improve Performance
Salesforce Developer: Register Endpoint for Custom Content Block Component
Salesforce Developer: REST API Permission IDs and Scopes
Salesforce Developer: REST API Reference
Salesforce Developer: Salesforce SSJS Syntax Guide
Salesforce Developer: Server-Side JavaScript
Salesforce Developer: Server-side JavaScript Documentation
Salesforce Developer: SMS API
Salesforce Developer: SOAP API
Salesforce Developer: SOAP API Best Practices
Salesforce Developer: SSJS Platform Library Functions
Salesforce Developer: Transactional Messaging API
Salesforce Developer: Using Server-Side JavaScript with AMPscript
Salesforce Developer: Your Subdomain and Your Tenant's Endpoints
Salesforce Developers : Contact Delete Configuration
Salesforce Developers : Contact Delete Requests Details
Salesforce Developers : Contact Delete Requests Summary
Salesforce Developers : Contact Delete Status
Salesforce Developers : Delete by Contact ID
Salesforce Developers : Delete by Contact Key
Salesforce Developers : Delete by List Reference
Salesforce Developers: Intro to Marketing Cloud APIs and REST API
Salesforce Developers: SOAP API
Salesforce Developers: Your Subdomain and Your Tenant’s Endpoints
Salesforce Help : Contact Builder Best Practices
Salesforce Help : Contact Definition and Count Determination
Salesforce Help : Contact Delete Best Practices
Salesforce Help : Contact Deletion in Contact Builder
Salesforce Help : Data Deletion for Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Help : Delete Contact Information from Your Account
Salesforce Help : Enable Contact Delete in Contact Builder
Salesforce Help : Marketing Cloud Tenant Types
Salesforce Help: Administration in Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Help: All Subscribers List in Email Studio
Salesforce Help: Attribute Group Creation
Salesforce Help: Audit Trail
Salesforce Help: Automation Studio
Salesforce Help: Automation Studio Activities
Salesforce Help: Automation Studio Errors
Salesforce Help: Business Units in Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Help: CloudPages
Salesforce Help: Contact Builder Best Practices
Salesforce Help: Contact Builder Implementation Guide (PDF)
Salesforce Help: Contact Builder Import Definition
Salesforce Help: Contact Delete Best Practices
Salesforce Help: Create a Custom Preference Center Solution Kit
Salesforce Help: Create a Data Extension
Salesforce Help: Create a Data Extension in Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Help: Create a Landing Page with Content Builder
Salesforce Help: Create Synchronized Data Sources
Salesforce Help: Data Designer
Salesforce Help: Data Designer Templates
Salesforce Help: Data Extensions
Salesforce Help: Data Management
Salesforce Help: Data Protection and Privacy
Salesforce Help: Data Sources
Salesforce Help: Data Views
Salesforce Help: Digging Deeper into Oauth 2.0 in Salesforce
Salesforce Help: Email Send Error Codes
Salesforce Help: Encode Custom Activities Using a JWT
Salesforce Help: File Locations
Salesforce Help: Find Activity Configuration and Error Details
Salesforce Help: Friendly and Personalized URLs
Salesforce Help: Get Started with Contact Builder
Salesforce Help: Get Started with Content Builder
Salesforce Help: Implement Header and Footer Rules
Salesforce Help: Implement Synchronized Data Sources Best Practices
Salesforce Help: IP Addresses for Inclusion on Allowlists in Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Help: Journey Builder Activities
Salesforce Help: Key Management
Salesforce Help: Landing Pages Security Best Practices
Salesforce Help: Link Data Extensions
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Package Development—Install Packages
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Roles
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Security Settings
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud SFTP Guide
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Single Sign-On
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Tenant Types
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Unsubscribe Functionality
Salesforce Help: Marketing Cloud Users
Salesforce Help: NotSent Tracking Extract
Salesforce Help: Optimize the Query Activity
Salesforce Help: Personalization Strings in Email Studio
Salesforce Help: Send Logging
Salesforce Help: Single Sign-On Authentication via SAML 2.0
Salesforce Help: SQL Query Activity
Salesforce Help: SQL Reference
Salesforce Help: SSL Certificates
Salesforce Help: SSL Certificates for Account Branding
Salesforce Help: Subscriber Key Best Practices
Salesforce Help: Transparent Data Encryption
Salesforce Help: Use a Created Key with File Transfer Activities
Salesforce Help: Use Intermediate Tables to Optimize a Query
Salesforce Help: Use SQL Query Activity
Salesforce Help: Using the SQL Query Activity
Salesforce: Marketing Cloud Data Usage
Trailblazer Community: Introduction to AMPscript (Login required)
Trailhead Module: Email Creation and Sending
Trailhead Module: Strategies for Big Data Architecture
Trailhead: Build Apps as an AppExchange Partner
Trailhead: Content Builder Basics
Trailhead: Content Builder Block SDK
Trailhead: Content Builder Features
Trailhead: Lightning Design System
Trailhead: Marketing Cloud Send Logging
Trailhead: Personalized Email Marketing
Trailhead: Self-Serve SSL Certificates in Marketing Cloud: Quick Look